
Saturday, January 25, 2014

DIY Bead Necklace

I think I mentioned it in an earlier post, but I need to work on my post naming skills. I spent a good ten minutes mulling over what to call this post and the best I could come up with was DIY Bead Necklace. I would fail in the nail polish naming business, lol!

Today, I have a lovely surprise for you! Instead of just giving you stand alone shots of the jewelry, my dear friends Laverne and Ayden offered to help out! Laverne is the lovely model and Ayden took the pictures.

Fair warning: This DIY is slightly more time-consuming and nerve-wrecking as compared to my other DIYs. You have been warned!

Doesn't she look great?!

For this DIY,  you will need:
  • Large beads
  • Seed beeds
  • One bead that will serve as your centerpiece
  • One charm (Optional)
  • Chain
  • Wire
  • Headpin
  • Crimp beads
  • Jump rings
  • Bead caps
  • Pliers
  • Clasp

Begin by making the beaded portions. To make one, start by cutting off a length of wire. Complete one side of the wire by stringing the crimp bead and a jump ring through. Pass the wire through the crimp bead again until the wire is tight around the jump ring. Press down on the crimp bead.  

String on your bead caps, beads, and seed beads in the design of your liking. Secure the other side of the wire in the same manner. String on the crimp bead, followed by the jump ring. Then pass the wire through the crimp bead again. Since the beads have been strung on this side, pull the wire through the beads until the jump ring is secure. Using the pliers, press on the crimp bead to secure.

Repeat these steps to create three beaded portions! Huzzah! You are done with the hard part!

Figure out how long you want the necklace and cut out the according lengths of chain. Add your clasps. 

Using your pliers and jump rings, connect the chains to the beaded portions as shown above. 

Take your centerpiece bead (my word muse is failing me today) and add it to the headpin as shown above.

Attach the centerpiece bead, the last beaded portion, and the charm as shown above.

You did it! Now go rock that necklace!

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