
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hogwarts House Pride

I just realized that I am going to have to be more creative with my post titles - how many times am I going to write DIY bracelet/necklace/ring/etc.?

I am back again for another DIY! The little backstory behind this DIY is that I made these bracelets for my friends. I mean, it's inevitable. When your friend's birthday rolls around, why not make them something personalized. Something that says hey, look, I put time and effort into crafting this for you! Whether or not they would prefer something store-bought, well, they haven't told me otherwise. But who can say no to bracelets that show off their Hogwarts House pride?

For this DIY, you will need:
  • Seed beads
  • A center bead for the middle of your flower
  • Hemp
  • A clasp
  • A Jump ring
  • Scissors (not pictured)
  • Glue (not pictured)

Start out by cutting out two pieces of hemp. One will be twice as long as the other one and will be the part of the macrame that is knotted. The rule of thumb is to cut the longer thread about four to five times your wrist size and the second string will be half of that. My advice is to cut your hemp a little longer. You don't want to come up short at the end!

Knot them over the jump ring.

Make about five square knots. If you don't know, check out my earlier tutorial here. After that, string on a bead in the middle string. 

Make another square knot to secure the bead. Continue the pattern until you reach the point where you want the flower centerpiece to be.

To make the flower, string the bead you want for the center of your flower on the middle string. I repeated the pattern four times in total on both sides of the flower.

For the "petals" string on about four beads on the outer strings. The beads should encircle the center bead when you make a square knot.

Secure it with a square knot and continue with the same pattern as before to finish the bracelet. When you reach the end, make a knot with all of the hemp strings. 

To finish, see where you need to attach the clasp so it can fit comfortably around your wrist. Since mine were gifts and I didn't know how large my friends wanted their bracelets, I kept a lot of wiggle room. In fact, I suppose you could also use this as an anklet!

Cut off any excess hemp and secure your knots with glue.

Now you can proudly show off your house pride! Now I need to make one for myself!

What house are you in?

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