
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Travel Tip: Eat a Big Breakfast

Life throws you curve balls and sometimes that happens when you are traveling.
Even if you have planned the perfect itinerary to see all of the wondrous sights a destination has to offer, things will not go to plan. This isn't a bad thing. Sure, it might be because you got lost, or have a flat tire. It can also be due to spending more time than planned at a certain attraction because you love it so much. Either way, if you travel like me and want to see as much as you can, you will be pressed for time. It is for that reason, that I always make sure I have a big breakfast before I start my day. 

A good breakfast will give you a good energy boost so you can hit the ground running, but having a big breakfast will keep your energy up throughout the day even if you don't get a chance to eat lunch. There is no fun in a vacation in which you are hungry, irritated, and miserable. Also, starting a car trip without eating breakfast and thinking you will eat when you get there is also a bad idea.

Trust me, I know from experience. When I was visiting India, I anticipated that our drive from New Delhi to Jaipur would take about 4 hours in the morning. So, I decided to skip breakfast at 4 a.m. Unfortunately, I didn't reach Jaipur until about 1 in the afternoon and ended up having a very expensive lunch just because I was starving and irritated.

Of course, taking snacks is also a good idea - but having a proper breakfast in the morning especially one in a different country is a good way to start the day. It's for the reason I always try to stay in hotels that offer breakfast (and if it's free, that's even better!). It also ends up being cheaper. Hotels usually offer a buffet so you can eat as much as you want, but if you want a big breakfast from a fast food restaurant - you will end up spending a lot of money.

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