
Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Blogging Goals for Facadesandnuances

The beginning of 2015 marks the one year anniversary of my decision to add the title of blogger to my life's resume. I wanted a medium to showcase my DIYs and force myself to allow a little creativity into my life. So for everyone that has chanced upon this blog back then or now - thank you for your interest and for fueling my motivation to keep this blog running! I have learned so much over the year and there is still so much to learn! I hope I can keep the momentum going. Here are my goals and plans for this year...

1. Showcasing more of my interests
This blog started out as an outlet for my jewelry endeavors and has stayed that way ever since. This year, I will be sharing more of my interests - namely, traveling and reading (which is pretty obvious from my instagram account at this point). So expect some book reviews and travel posts (including that India post I promised months ago...)! I definitely won't stop making jewelry and am planning on opening up a jewelry Etsy shop this month!

2. Connecting with readers, bloggers, and everyone
Since starting blogging, I have been lucky to have a little group of bloggers (asianhomie101 and lifeaftertheib) who have supported me and given me crazy amounts of advice. But besides that, I have made only a few connections here and there and I would seriously like to change that. Instagram has been incredibly kind to me and I have come across an amazing community of people all around the world. I would like to continue making connections throughout the year - not only on Instagram - but across all different platforms! Speaking of connections, I am definitely looking to connect with other bloggers via collaborations!

3. Improving my Photography Skills
As I mentioned before, I have learned a lot over this year  - especially in terms of photography. I cringe when I look at my original DIY posts when I took pictures with my phone - in the middle of the night! I plan to continue improving my skills over the year.

4. A more consistent blogging schedule
I have posted way more than I originally anticipated over the year, but I did change my posting schedule every month or so. This year, I will post every single week. But, I will try to post at least twice a week!

 Those are my goals for this blog this year. What are yours?

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